Tyke Select B Ice Time & Roster, News, Tyke Select B, U9 MD, 2010-2011 (St. Thomas Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2010-2011 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 23, 2010 | bkidder | 1145 views
Tyke Select B Ice Time & Roster
Ice time for this weekend will be as follows:

Saturday November 27th 12:00PM (STMHA Rink)
Sunday   November 28th 11:00AM (STMHA Rink)

I would like to thank all players and parents for participating in our tryout for the Tyke Select B squad.  In keeping with the integrity of the Tyke program players on the roster will have either 2003 or 2004 birth dates.  

Here is a list of players who will comprise the roster:

Aiden Holder 2004
Anderson Walker 2004
Brady Lidster 2004
Brent Hagerty 2004
Carter Sampson 2004
Chloe Coveny 2003
Clark Jackson 2004
James Johnston 2004
Joshua Vigars 2004
Liam Kidder 2004
Matthew Carr 2004
Mikey Devine 2004
Nolan Tales 2004
Owen McIntyre 2004
Tanner McGregor 2004
Trent Rickwood 2004

See you all at the rink this weekend!
