St. Thomas Beats Brantford 5-4 at Home, News, Midget A ('96-'98), U16-U18 Travel, 2013-2014 (St. Thomas Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 08, 2013 | dvandenbroek | 647 views
St. Thomas Beats Brantford 5-4 at Home
The St. Thomas Stars Midget A team improves their record with their 4th straight regular season win against the Brantford 99'ers

Brantford took an early lead in this game on the very first shot of the game, but that was the only lead they had as the St. Thomas boys controlled the rest of the game.
Number 8, Reda has his second 4 goal game with three of them coming on the power play. Jesse Tottle counted in on all 4 of Reda's goals.  The other lone marker was a fluky dump in from center ice while short handed by Ryan Vandenbroek. 
Although Brantford took most of the penalties the defence managed to shut down the 2 power play opportunities they had with not allowing a single shot. 
St. Thomas goes for 5 in a row on Wednesday as they travel to Woodstock.